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7 Benefits of placing brass Buddha statues at home

The Buddha, the Great Ascetic and the founder of Buddhism, is a respected emblem of world peace and enlightenment. A brass Buddha statue is quite popular to have in the house for both aesthetic and spiritual reasons. Regardless of your religious beliefs, having a Buddha statue in the house will only bring good energy.

By positioning the Buddha statues in accordance with the principles of Vastu, these advantages can be further increased. Additionally, brass is said to be a lucky metal and a source of positive energy according to Vastu. We’ll go over 7 benefits of having a brass Buddha statue in the house in this blog post.

Buddha’s cultural relevance in the world

Buddhism was founded by the traveling ascetic Siddhartha Gautama in South Asia in the sixth century BCE. Gautama spent his whole life seeking the meaning of existence, the reason for which humans are here, and the means by which we might become gods.

According to legend, he eventually discovered the Universal Truth of Life, which he then taught to his followers, the Buddhists. Over the years, many individuals have been greatly impacted by the Buddha’s life and teachings. Siddhartha Gautama is revered as a brilliant philosopher in the West, despite being adored as a deity in the East.

In the East, Buddha sculptures are very well-liked antiquities. They are often made of brass, gold, or other comparable metals and used in houses and temples to direct divinity into places and the lives of those around them. The four basic positions for Buddha statues have traditionally been sitting, standing, sleeping, and reclining.

The Buddha’s many positions represent various spiritual meanings. Four Buddha statues in each of the four basic positions are typically found in Buddhist temples. Because of their rich historical significance, Buddha sculptures are also well-liked by collectors of antiques.

The 7 benefits of placing brass Buddha statues at home

Fostering harmony

Vastu Shastra advises placing a Shakyamuni Buddha statue to be the focal point in your reception room or the main section of the house to create harmony and calm. In a particular kind of Buddha statue known as the Shakyamuni Buddha, sometimes referred to as the Nirvana Buddha, Gautama is seen seated with both hands firmly resting on his raised right knee.

His hands are under his head, which is gently inclining. This position is referred to as the sleeping Buddha position. It stands for tranquility and harmony for all time. It is said that installing it in the middle of your home will promote harmony.

Honing mindfulness

It is thought that Siddhartha Gautama attained heavenly wisdom via extended meditation. Buddhist and broader Asian cultures place a lot of emphasis on meditation. It has long been thought that meditation makes us more in tune with our inner selves. Thanks to developments in neurobiology, Western experts have learned that meditation has amazing benefits on our brains. It aids in self-reflection and cultivates awareness.

Many individuals now opt to meditate in front of a statue of the Buddha because of the cultural connotations between meditation and the Buddha. Focus is improved and attention impairments are eliminated with meditation. The northeastern corner is the ideal location to erect a Buddha statue in order to develop concentration in life, according to Vastu Shastra. The placement of a water fountain next to the statue elevates your focus. 

Disposing of problems

Buddhists revere the Buddha as a heavenly repository of wisdom. He is thought to have discovered the eternal knowledge of the cosmos by discovering Nirvana. Buddha is seen as a god to pray to in order to find solutions to life’s troubles because of this. A Buddha statue nearby is said to help you settle your issues and keep them from spreading further.

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Buddhists believe that when you ask Gautama Buddha for advice, he will provide it to you. The Buddha’s Bhoomisparsh mudra represents maintaining equilibrium in order to avert catastrophes. Vastu Shastra advises installing a statue of Bhoomi-Sparsh Buddha in the front area of your home facing east to assist you in overcoming all difficulties.

Safeguarding your home

Buddha sculptures using the iconic Abhaya mudra represent courage. Believers believe that the Buddha would shield people from all worldly afflictions if he were to raise his hand in the Abhaya mudra. According to the principles of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, installing an upright Buddha statue in the Abhaya mudra close to your home’s main entrance can shield you from any harm. A Buddha statue positioned in this manner is also claimed to correct any Vastu flaws that may exist in your home.

Bringing in healing energy

According to legend, Siddhartha was greatly troubled by the disease and senility that existed in the world when he was a young man, despite the fact that he was raised as royalty and shielded from the hardships of life. In an effort to find the most effective treatment for illness and suffering, he renounced his privileged lifestyle and set out on the road as an ascetic.

Buddha sculptures are frequently seen holding a bowl of therapeutic plants in one hand. It is thought that these sculptures have healing powers. Believers pray to the curative Buddha for relief from illnesses and are granted long lives and excellent health. According to Vastu, placing a statue of a healing Buddha in a sunny area of your home facing northeast can shield you from ailments.

Preserving a healthy mind

One kind of Buddha statue that is frequently found in homes is Buddha-head sculptures. Buddha-head sculptures are preserved in households not only for their lovely aesthetics but also to ask for blessings for mental tranquility and good health. According to Vastu, positioning a Buddha statue’s head in a home’s north or east angle would be extremely beneficial for the residents’ mental well-being.

Attaining perfection

Buddha is revered as a god of wisdom because of his Vitarka mudra. One of the five notable mudras used by the Buddha to represent the quest for wisdom is the Vitarka mudra, which is similar to the Boomisparsha and Abhaya mudra.

According to Vastu Shastra, putting a Buddha statue in the Vitarka mudra upon your desk at work, school, or the library can support your efforts to thrive in both your professional and academic endeavors. For optimum Vastu effects, it is essential that the figure face east.


We concluded by talking about seven different ways you might use a Buddha statue in the house to get various advantages. Regardless of whether you adhere to Vastu Shastra, a Buddha statue is unquestionably a wonderful decoration for your home. Traditional Buddha statues are quite attractive and can quickly brighten any nook or cranny of your home with their many stances.

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