What are 8 steps to Improve Your Core Web Vitals?

Google utilizes a variety of ranking indicators to assess and judge websites. For example, one of the most current and significant Page Experience scores is Core Web Vitals. If your site needs to be optimized to take advantage of these scores, it could affect search engine optimization (SEO) and the overall user experience (UX).

The best part is that once you’ve figured out what Core Web Vitals are and the methods to assess them and take proactive steps to enhance their performance. This will ensure that you’re providing a quality user experience and achieving Google’s standards to boost search engine ranking.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to Google’s Core Web Vitals, explaining why they’re essential and how they function. We’ll then show you eight ways to enhance their effectiveness. Let’s get started!

The Introduction Core Web Vitals:

Google Core Web Vitals is a collection of essential metrics for performance that Google utilizes to assess the vitality and health of websites:

These signals provide page experience that is used to evaluate your site’s experience, such as how quickly users can use it. For instance, speed on the website is crucial because a slow-loading site can reduce engagement and lead to more bounce rates.

This could affect your site’s position in search results, as well as the overall success of your Web Design London company. This is especially true for a website that needs help navigating.

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How to Improve the Core Web Vitals (8 Ways):

Once we know the basics of Core Web Vitals and how they work, now is the time to examine some of the best methods. Remember that the steps you’ll be required to do to increase your score will be based on the test outcomes. It’s, therefore, essential to consider the suggestions and recommendations offered through Page Speed Insights (or other tools for testing that you utilize).

Here are some of the most efficient ways to increase your Core Web Vitals scores.

Create Caching Solutions:

Caching your content can lessen the burden on servers. A caching tool can store your static HTML copies of the web pages and eliminates the requirement to be loaded each time a person visits your website.

Based on the web hosting provider’s use, depending on your web host, you can leverage caching on the server side. 

As a WordPress user, you will also have many caching plugins you can choose from. The most well-known choices are W3 Total Cache:

This no-cost WordPress plugin will decrease page load time on your website, thereby increasing the performance of your website. It allows caching of webpages as well as posts. It also supports CSS as well as JavaScript databases, as well as more.

Other free plugins include:

  • WP Fastest Cache
  • Lite Speed Cache
  • WP-Optimize

If you’re in search of one-stop, efficient caching software, you should think about WP Rocket:

Implementing a premium caching system is particularly beneficial for increasing scores on your FID. For instance, WP Rocket has an option that allows your Web design agency to optimize the delivery of files effortlessly. Additionally, it comes with many other options that could assist in increasing Core Web Vitals scores, which we’ll explore in the sections below.

Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources:

Render-blocking elements are static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files required to render pages on your website. Each of these files has scripts that prevent visitors from accessing content. They are typically created using third-party plugins and tools like Google Analytics.

But, one method to prevent the scripts from harming your UX (and consequently assist in improving Core Web Vitals) is to remove render-blocking resources and minify and delete any unneeded CSS and scripts.

There are many methods that you can employ to accomplish this. One option is to reduce the size of your JavaScript or CSS by eliminating unnecessary or white-spaced comments.

It is possible to use a program like CSS Minifier to help you:

The tool is entirely free to utilize. First, you need to input your CSS, then click “Minify. You can then copy and paste your output to download and replace your code.

Another option is to compress the size of your JavaScript or CSS by combining the two files. This is another job the feature for optimizing files within WP Rocket can help with.

Also Read: 7 Most Common Use of JavaScript in Web Design

Defer loading of JavaScript:

If you’re trying to improve your FID ratings, you may employ the method of delaying the load time of JavaScript. However, this is a different method to get rid of rendering-blocking elements.

This makes your web pages load faster since it delays the loading process of JavaScript. This means it loads additional information on the page when visitors arrive instead of waiting for the entire set of JavaScript files to load. Your files must load when everything else on your page is fully loaded.

Additionally, you can alter your website settings to ensure the crucial CSS load “above the fold” content faster. “Above the fold” refers to elements of the website page that are displayed first.

This can be done by removing the content in the original CSS file and incorporating it into your code. This makes it load faster and improves the UX. In addition, specific caching plugins such as WP Rocket offer an Optimize CSS Delivery feature, which can help.

Utilize a Content Delivery Network:

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a collection of servers worldwide that you can utilize to store your website’s content. It means that users will be served the content on your website from servers close to them. This could also increase the speed of loading.

Using the services of a CDN will speed up LCP time for customers. It can also reduce your Time to First Byte (TTFB).

There are many third-party tools that you could make use of for your WordPress website. The most used alternative is Cloudflare:

Like caching, some hosting companies offer CDN solutions as part of their plans. It is recommended to check with your web hosting provider to determine the services (if any) included in their plans before implementing one of your own.

Make sure you appropriately size and optimize your images:

Another method to increase your LCP scores would be to compress and optimize your photos to decrease the file size. You can accomplish this with tools like Tiny PNG:

Image compression tools can drastically reduce the size of your files without worrying about the quality being compromised. Other image optimization tools to look into include:

  • Short Pixel
  • EWWW Image Optimizer
  • Imagify
  • Smush

You can also improve your photos by ensuring they’re of the correct size and dimensions. When you upload pictures from the WordPress editor, it will let the Content Management System (CMS) automatically assigns measurements to you.

However, if you decide to include images in the code manually, you must ensure that you’re setting the dimensions that will allow room to accommodate these components. The bigger the images are, the greater their file sizes.

So, it’s vital to ensure you’re using appropriate dimensions of images for specific places on your website. By adding the relevant attributes, you can assist your browser in allocating enough space to your pages’ elements and reduce layout changes.

You can alter the size of videos and images’ dimensions in terms of width and height on your site by changing the code. To see these attributes, right-click the image on your site’s front and select Inspect. This will open your Developer Tools panel. In this panel, you can check what sizes are allocated.

Implement Lazy Loading:

We also suggest that you use lazy loading. This will ensure that your images load precisely when visitors get to that area of the page instead of loading simultaneously with other elements on the page.

Lazy loading images can increase your LCP and load speed. Many WordPress image optimization tools, including Smush, have lazy loading functions integrated into the plugin.

Optimize Your Website’s Fonts:

Like images using fonts, the fonts used on your site may affect the loading speed. This is because they require that the browser start downloading and loading the font collection, which includes every variant of the weight combinations.

Optimizing your fonts for the web will aid in improving the performance of your website. This is because optimized web fonts have smaller file sizes and are delivered faster.

Additionally, a browser might not render text elements automatically when the font on the internet associated with it still needs to load. However, using fallback fonts can result in layout shifts, hurting your CLS score.

Be cautious about the fonts you decide to apply on your website. When using multiple fonts, it’s best to eliminate them from specific elements and then use global fonts only to apply the necessary weights and types. This will ensure that only the fonts you require for your text are downloaded.

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Update Your WordPress Hosting:

If your website is tough to access, this might suggest that it’s time to change your hosting. In particular, moving between shared and dedicated servers may be a fantastic option to increase the speed of your LCP.

Your WordPress hosting service is a crucial factor in your site’s performance. It influences everything from the speed of your site to security. This is why it’s not a subject we recommend not investing in, particularly in the case of a vast or complex area. Changing your hosting service provider or plan is among the most efficient yet effective methods to improve your site’s performance and speed up loading.

We recommend choosing a managed hosting service with servers specifically optimized for WordPress that can handle various technical aspects of website performance. For instance, at Dream Host, we provide Dream Press plans for WordPress users looking to have a high-performing site without spending a fortune.


Constantly improving the user experience is a crucial aspect of running a successful website. And, with the aid of valuable tools and plugins in the present, this task is a lot simpler than it was previously.

If you’re looking for an extra developer’s capability, our team at Dream Host is equipped with the knowledge you require to ensure that your Core Web Vitals improvements and other projects for development are completed correctly.

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