YouTube Comments Not Showing, How To Fix This Error

Why are my YouTube comments not showing?

YouTube comments are not showing up for a variety of reasons. This can be because the video is private, or because YouTube has disabled commenting on the video. It can also be because you have exceeded the comment limit for that video.

The most common reason YouTube comments do not show up is because they are disabled by the owner of the video. The owner may disable comments on their videos to avoid spam or offensive content, or to promote discussion on other channels with less strict moderation policies.

Comments can be a great way to engage with your audience, but what if they don’t show up? Several factors may be at play. If your comments are not showing up on mobile, this is because the YouTube app does not function well on low bandwidth connections. For example, in China one of the contributors to low bandwidth is their firewall. If you are having trouble viewing videos on desktop or in the YouTube app, this is sometimes because the firewall is preventing your IP address from accessing the video.

youtube comments not showing

Why Can’t I See Comments on YouTube?

YouTube is one of the most popular video platforms in the world, but it has been facing some problems recently. The company has been criticized for its inability to stop videos of children being exploited from appearing on the site. Some people have also complained about the comments section not showing up when they are watching a video.

Comments are turned off by default on YouTube, and you can turn them on if you want to see what other people have said about a video. You can also choose to turn off comments altogether and just watch videos without any feedback or responses from others.

Reasons for Comments not showing

1) The YouTube video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines (if you cannot view the video)

2. The YouTube comments have been disabled for the video (YouTube policy)

3. The YouTube website is down

4. Your browser does not support HTML5 videos (this is not a YouTube issue)

5. The video has been deleted by the original poster

6. The YouTube account that the video is on is private

How to fix no comments on YouTube?

YouTube comments are a way of engaging with viewers and other creators. However, when YouTube comments stop displaying, it can be difficult to engage with your audience. This article will cover why YouTube comments stop displaying and what you can do to fix the problem.

YouTube Comments Stop Displaying: What Can You Do?

When YT comments stop displaying, it can be difficult to engage with your viewers. This article will cover why YouTube comments stop displaying and what you can do to fix the problem. YouTube Comments Stop Displaying: Why Does It Happen?

1) The video is set to private or unlisted: If the video is set to private or unlisted, then your comment will not appear on the video. To have your comment show up on a private or un listed video, make sure the video is set to public and/or unlisted.

2) The time of the comment exceeds YouTube‘s comment time limit: If the time of your comment exceeds YouTube’s comment time limit, then your comment will not appear on the video. To have your comment show up on a video with a long comment time limit, shorten it. .If the time of your comment exceeds YouTube’s comment time limit, then your comment will not appear on the video. To have your comment show up on a video with a long comment time limit, shorten it.

3) The YouTube error code: Your comment may be disabled because an error occurred and YouTube has shut down all comments. To have your comment show up on a video with an error code, try again later.

How to check Comments Settings on YouTube Community step by step

YouTube is a platform that allows you to upload and share videos. In order to get the most out of this platform, it is important that you know how to set your comments settings. This article will guide you through the steps needed in order to set your comments settings on YouTube.

First, go to the “Settings” tab on your YouTube account.

Second, select “Comments” from the list of options.

Third, select what type of comments you would like on your video: Public, Unlisted or Moderated.

Public: Anyone can leave a comment on your video.

Unlisted: Only people who you approve to view your video will be able to comment on it.

Moderated: Only certain people that you approve can comment on your video.

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